European Handball Online Summit proves a big hit
Last month’s first European Handball Online Summit proved to be a massive success with almost 1,000 participants expanding their knowledge on important grassroots topics in handball.
The event, which took place over three days, was supported by the European Handball Federation and featured a stellar line-up of experts in fields allied to the EHF projects.
Among those presenting from a list of 25 thought-provoking presentations were Dr Stefan Walzel of the German Sport University Cologne, Carlos Prieto of Share & Play, Alex Gehrer, EHF Beach Handball lecturer, Ole Bruun Andersen from GOALCHA and iCoachKids project director Sergio Lara-Bercial.
The summit, which took place completely online, was watched by 897 registered participants from 58 countries, and among the topics included, were grassroots initiatives, wheelchair handball, school handball, economic aspects of grassroots handball, children’s handball and dual career.
Lively question-and-answer sessions added to the depth of the summit as presentations encouraged participants to get involved and share their passion on the topics discussed.
Those participants who bought a ‘Players Ticket’ subscription for the summit still have access to a wealth of material online, with over 12 hours of video available to watch back and listen again.